Two Trees TS3: One Year Anniversary Celebration

Two Trees TS3 One Year Anniversary Celebration

Two Trees TS3: One Year Anniversary Celebration Since 2021, Two Trees TS3 laser engraver machine has been recognized as a master engraver at home that offers an experience and fantastic like no other. From black version (standard) to blue version (with rotary), no matter performance, safety or appearance, TS3 is welcomed by the majority of […]

TS3 Kickstarter Project Starts From Dec. 7th!

Kickstarter TS3 Laser Engraver

We TwoTrees are thrilled to announce that our TS3 Kickstarter project finally launch. This crowdfunding starts from December 7th to Jaunary 21th in 2022. Some might feel puzzled that: Why does a company like TwoTrees, who already has market influence, still hold a fund-raising project on the KickStarter? Firstly, KickStarter is a very good platform […]

Can you make money with TS3 laser cutter & engraver?

Can you make money with TS3 laser cutter & engraver

Since the invention of the first working laser in 1960, laser cutting technology has evolved so much and developed into a market with 2.8 billion US dollars annual turnover and 8% year-to-year growth rate. Can you make money with TS3 laser cutter & engraver? The answer is clearly “yes” with no doubt and the laser […]

Are Laser Engravers & Cutters Safe to Use?

Are laser cutter and engraver safe to use (1)

Are laser cutters or engravers dangerous? Are laser cutters and engravers safe to use? These are the two most frequently asked questions by the community. Safety issue seems to be a major concern and reason to turn down laser cutting and engraving machines for those who are new to such devices regardless of the fact […]

Formnext Shenzhen 2021: The Review From TwoTrees


Formnext is a leading industry platform for additive manufacturing and industrial 3D printing. September 11th, it had a perfect ending with over 15,000 m2 of space and more than 200 exhibitors showcasing their products and services. Over 16742 visitors have already experienced the buzz and excitement of this physical event and attended a good proportion […]

GIVEAWAY TIME! Be the first one to own TS3 machine


  TwoTrees plans a giveaway competition on September 18th on the Facebook and Instagram official pages. If you are interested in this giveaway competition, please click this link to enter our pages: Facebook: Instagram: The rules are explained below: Click the link to jump to the specific activity page. There are 10 items […]

TwoTrees Video for Formnext 2021: What we showed on it?

TwoTrees Video for Formnext 2021 What we showed on it

TwoTrees’ journey to Formnext 2021 has a perfect ending. At this exhibition, we not only announced our newest laser engraving machine TS3 for the first time, but also efficiently promoted and displayed our brand image to people from all walks of life. In addition to TS3, we also brought BLU-3 V2, SP-3, SP-5, TT-5.5, TT-5.5S […]

New Enclosed Laser Engraving Machine——TS3


Now We Reveal The Answer: The One WHO Perfectly combines the housing with the filtering system. On September 9, 2021, TS3 finally showed its true face at Formnext Exhibition and every major social media of TwoTrees. As a desktop LD+FAC laser engraving machine, it perfectly combines the relatively small-size housing with an environmentally friendly filtering […]

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